Charlotte’s Here – come see all the photos!

The past few weeks have seemingly flown by whilst simultaneously crawled at snail’s speed!

On September 17th, at 7:22am, after about 40 hours of labor, Robyn and I welcomed Charlotte Renee into our world – or rather, she welcomed us into hers! Her birth was the single most amazing experience of my life, and I am so grateful that I have been able to spend the last several weeks at home, enjoying this time with both her and Robyn.

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Oh Bless Them

So let me preface by saying that I find the whole ‘Type A’ or ‘Type B’ personality thing to be very limiting – but perhaps it’s sometimes accurate to say when a person is ‘being Type A’. I don’t often hear anyone reference Type B personalities, but from what I know, they’re generally supposed to be the opposite of Type A – laid back, less reactive to stressful events, not as stringently focused on achieving career goals, and supposedly more creative.

Again, I find these two types to be limiting. But I can be a little Type A.

Today, for example, I found myself really frustrated at the  grocery store. Continue reading

Last Day

For those who don’t know, today is Robyn’s last day at her job. With plans not to go back for at least a year, can I say how proud of her I am? Seriously. This woman is likely the most work-committed person I have ever known. Now, things have changed over the last few years with Robyn stepping down from management, but her commitment to standards of service and food safety and a-whole-lot-of-stuff-that-too-many-people-throw-an-eyeroll-at has not changed. She has always been over the top dedicated as far as I’m concerned. At one point, we were not sure how we were possibly going to be able to get pregnant because of her level of engagement in her restaurant.

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Family Time and A New Baby

On Tuesday, Robyn and I drove to Palm Coast to visit my family. With the way my schedule comes in from work, and with my parents owning their own business, we had planned our visit a few weeks in advance and were really looking forward to seeing everyone! We knew this was going to be our last visit while Robyn was pregnant.

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The Final Countdown

3 weeks 1 day until we are ‘due’.

Of course, it could be five weeks, but it’s so hard not to count down. There are so many people we know who have had babies of their own the past few weeks – friends from our childbirth education class, friends from work – and even more new parents who fill up our social media feeds from over the last six months or so. We’re always so excited to be able to see these other families and their little ones, and to know we’re finally having our own is just an incredible feeling.

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We are going to have a kid in (roughly) 7 weeks. I almost started this blog when Robyn and I were trying to conceive – oh, there are so many things about trying to conceive, and then to be lesbians and have those additional factors – but alas, I’m here now. What better time to start than now.

From where I stand, Robyn has had such a beautiful pregnancy. I can’t believe that the days and weeks are rushing out now, and that soon we will officially be ‘moms’. We’re thinking Mom(my) and Ma(ma), but I suppose our little Sprout will have something to say about it when the time comes. I can’t wait to meet our child.

I can’t wait to find out if we’re having a girl or a boy.

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