
We are going to have a kid in (roughly) 7 weeks. I almost started this blog when Robyn and I were trying to conceive – oh, there are so many things about trying to conceive, and then to be lesbians and have those additional factors – but alas, I’m here now. What better time to start than now.

From where I stand, Robyn has had such a beautiful pregnancy. I can’t believe that the days and weeks are rushing out now, and that soon we will officially be ‘moms’. We’re thinking Mom(my) and Ma(ma), but I suppose our little Sprout will have something to say about it when the time comes. I can’t wait to meet our child.

I can’t wait to find out if we’re having a girl or a boy.

I go and sit in Sprout’s room some days and just look at all the things we have prepared for our kid. I think of all the days we have spent planning for our child, longing for this child whom we still have yet to meet, and it’s really still so surreal to me that this is happening.

Robyn is going to be the most amazing mother. I have watched her with cousins and friend’s children for years and years. She amazes me. She always seemingly asks the littles just the right questions to make them smile and squirm with enthusiasm. She pours just the right bit of imaginative curiosity into them and their little faces just blossom (or they hide their noses in shyness, of course).

I am so proud of her, and I feel like we are just waiting for our lives to start.

Like when this baby is born, it will all begin.



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